This sweet baby is actually my 2nd cousin...Blake, her daddy, has helped me so much during the process of me getting started in the photography biz. My blog and website were both started by him. He taught me how to upload my photos to my client album page and then linked it to my new website that he created. He showed me how to resize and rename my photos in batches which if you are a photog you know that is HUGE. I was clueless until he helped me. Although, he knows nothing about the ins and outs of a DSLR camera, (no offense, Blake, ha ha) he knows his way around a computer better than anyone I know. He has gotten 2 viruses off my computer, one of which he walked me through over the phone! Can you believe that?? Crazy mad technical skills, I tell ya!!! He set up my wireless router for me, I know, that sounds easy, right? Ummm, not so much for me! When he told me I needed one, I was like, what's a wireless router?? Ha ha!! Then, there was the words, "external hard drive". I know you are probably cracking up right now, but I didn't know what that was and he insisted that it was crucial for me to get, and I did because he says and I do. And now, I have a smartphone. That was kind of a tag team effort, he and my sister insisted it would be good for my business. I was once again clueless. A smartphone?? What's that and why do I need that? And of course, I have one and now I can't live without it.
Terry Blake Maberry, I am glad I know you and not only do I know you but I am related to you. You have married a fabulous woman and are now raising Miss Chloe and dude, you are rockin' the fatherhood thing! Which I knew you would! I can't believe I used to babysit you and drill Bible Bowl questions into your head and make you mac n' cheese from the box because that was the only thing I knew how to cook. You have grown up and still I will always remember you as my little cute, yet annoying cousin that had 'THE BIGGEST PRESENT'! Blahahaha! Love to you and Crystal!
Love this blog post..I actually didn't know u had a blog lol